liver, often we complain on this 5 th level because easily attacked by the enemy because th 5 th middle is, clash of clan base this time will provide a solution for you so that you can easily find a base that you are looking for as below.
Thropy Base Clash Of Clans Thropy is more concerned than the loot there, so the base design is perfect for those who want to continue to a bigger league.
Top 5 TH Base Trophy
This type of attack aims to dampen the opposing player. This base types are put Town hall within the walls and placed in the middle base, so that the attacker is not easy to get a big trophy. This base to withstand the onslaught of fellow players TH TH 5 and 6, but not for players TH 7 and above.
Best 5 TH Base: Farming
Thropy Base Clash Of Clans Thropy is more concerned than the loot there, so the base design is perfect for those who want to continue to a bigger league.
Top 5 TH Base Trophy
This type of attack aims to dampen the opposing player. This base types are put Town hall within the walls and placed in the middle base, so that the attacker is not easy to get a big trophy. This base to withstand the onslaught of fellow players TH TH 5 and 6, but not for players TH 7 and above.

Base type this goal is as soon as possible to get protection with a duration of 12 hours of an opposing player who attacked your base. Therefore, this base-type players put Town Hall outside wall, while saving all resources within the elixir of gold and walls. Many small level player (TH 4 down) to do this, to reduce losses due to attack other players.
Base TH 5 Trophy / War / Defense
Unlike the higher TH, the TH 5, base for Trophy / Defense made no difference to the type of war. This is because at this level, the player can not build Dark Elixir. Although the number of wall / trap is very limited, you can still use creativity to make a unique base. Base type of war tends to put the town hall in the middle of a wall of protection to reduce the likelihood of an opponent can be devastating. Best trophy base can usually direct opponent to destroy 40-49% so that attacked the headquarters also get shield.
Unlike the higher TH, the TH 5, base for Trophy / Defense made no difference to the type of war. This is because at this level, the player can not build Dark Elixir. Although the number of wall / trap is very limited, you can still use creativity to make a unique base. Base type of war tends to put the town hall in the middle of a wall of protection to reduce the likelihood of an opponent can be devastating. Best trophy base can usually direct opponent to destroy 40-49% so that attacked the headquarters also get shield.

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The following is a collection of farming base and 5 th best trophy I hope you are interested and hopefully I get your confidence in terms of providing input to you thank you very much :)